Medicines Information (MI)

Efficient provision of Medicines Information (MI) can significantly improve the clinical effectiveness of health services and often reduce costs. In some countries there are MI services organised at a national level. In other countries provision of MI is more informal and not recognised as a quality assured service.

In the UK there are over 200 MI centres based in larger hospitals and organised into regional groups which together are linked by a national service – UKMI (See In each centre one or more individuals, typically pharmacists who have undertaken specialist training, are responsible for receiving, researching, answering and recording MI enquiries.

In order to provide an efficient MI service, in addition to having trained MI staff, a centre must have adequate infrastructure, access to reference materials and also an appropriate enquiry management system. In the UK MI enquiries are managed using a paperless software application MIDatabank.

It is also possible to share MI enquiries with other MiDatabank users. Use the links below to view enquiries.

MiDatabank Version 2.x Users

MiDatabank Version 3.x Users